How Casinos Keep Gamblers Hooked


Casino is a place where champagne glasses clink, people laugh around card tables and there’s always an incredible buzz. But despite the excitement, there’s always an element of danger and compulsive gambling is a real problem that can affect anyone who plays it too much.

How do casinos trick otherwise rational people into throwing hundreds or even thousands of dollars away based on the literal roll of a dice, spin of a wheel or draw of cards? And how do they keep people coming back time and again despite the fact that the house always wins?

In order to create a manufactured blissful experience, casinos use a combination of enticing smells and sounds to keep gamblers hooked. They waft scented oils through their ventilation systems and play happy, uplifting music to create a mood that can make you feel great even when you’re losing money. Then there’s the lights and noise of slot machines, which can be programmed to trigger near-misses that make players think they might soon get lucky.

Another key to casino success is establishing trust with consumers. That’s why it pays for them to display positive reviews from customers on their website and social media pages. They also encourage guests to take photos and videos of themselves when they win big and share them online.

Finally, a casino is designed to be labyrinthine and doesn’t have straight aisles that lead to exits. This means that every time you turn a corner, you’re exposed to more opportunities to press your luck.

